some more sustainable art…

Just a few more things I came across on a website that i really like.

Some old vinyl records and combined them with wheat paste graffiti to create a new kind of urban fossil.

Paul Vilinski has rescued crushed beer cans from the streets of New York and turned them into a montage of flying butterflies. He took advantage of the nice arc that a beer can has and carefully cuts each to create each butterfly.  I love the shadow the butterflies create on the clean white wall.

These colourful toys are actually being used as real life building blocks. Artist Jan Vormann took a team of volunteers across Brooklyn and Manhattan as part of the VOLTA art show to fill in the blanks with the building blocks of our childhood.

I love all of these eco-friendly sustainable sculptures. It’s really got me interested in sculpture i think i would like to pursue this idea further. I think that if you are trying to communicate an important message big is better, get recognised, get heard!


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